Making a better world by understanding why
we’re here.
We create the issues and strife we experience, which come from our own life’s plan.
By understanding how we exist in the universe, we can change our behavior and find ways to be more enlightened, kinder and more fulfilled.
“Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.”
— Mahatma Gandhi
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“Space-time is your virtual reality,
…a headset of your own making. You have worn this headset your whole life. What happens if you take it off?”
Donald D. Hoffman, Cognitive Psychologist, from his recent book, The Case Against Reality
“When consciousness is not choosing, quantum objects behave like waves of possibilities.
But whenever consciousness looks, the waves collapse and become objects of conscious experience.”
Amit Goswasmi, Ph.D.
Quantum Physicist
University of Oregon
Want a Past Life Regression?
Please get in touch with Abby Schwartz of Aviva Wellness to find out more.